Friday, April 24, 2015

How and Why Jean Defined Her Collection

Sentimental Attachments
A Collection Withing my Collection.

One of the best pieces of advice that I received as a professional artist were the words "You must have a Cohesive Collection before marketing your work."  This may not be an exact quote; but I credit the sentiment to Alyson Stanfield.  (Alyson is The Art Biz Coach, and you can learn more about her and her offerings by clicking here.)

Metal and Found Objects as Chimes.
We'll be making chimes, hangings, 
and jewelry at ReMe this year.
When I first heard these words, I resisted.  At the time, I was actively creating almost every form of art that you could imagine, and I loved them all!  How dare she suggest such a thing?!?!?!  As time passed, and the shock wore off, I realized that she was right.  Professionally I had to find the one media and style with which I wanted to be identified long-term,  It had to be the one that was at my core.  Not one that I could live with; but one that I couldn't live without.  My professional development as an artist shifted into high gear as I further defined my true artistic love...found objects and metal.

Since that time, I've come to realize that this declaration of my professional artistic love didn't have to be the end of my affairs with other media.  I still love painting, collage, pottery, inks, beading, and writing.  I find joy in creating in these media for the pure pleasure of it.  In ways that I couldn't begin to imagine, these dalliances find their way into my professional body of work too.  My life and my work is richer for the experience.

How do you create?  Are you a purist whose love lies in one particular media?  Or is your art affair  one that's painted with a broader brush?  We'd love to hear more about it in the comments section below.
One of my early creations.  This painted mailbox hangs over my desk, and it's home to my envelopes and stamps.
The smile pin is a nod to my Dad, and the God Hates Hate pin is an original creation by folk artist, C.M. Laster.

While our ReMe Retreat on Ocracoke in May is filled to capacity; a few spaces remain in October.  Reserve yours by clicking on the Paypal Link on the left side of this page.  Convenient payment plans are available.


  1. hmm....I remember a wise soul that gave me that advice once when she turned me down from showing at her gallery ;) winky wink! lol I still dabble from time to time, but painting is at the core of what I do, and I have you to thank for that. I still struggle with sticking with a genre of painting, but I think overtime, my why's behind what I do have become more apparent, and has my 'voice' as an artist.

    1. Hmmmm...isn't it funny how the words of advice that we most resist also come to be the ones that we most often pass to others?!?

  2. I find myself in an unusual situation, one that I never imagined. I make my "living" as a jewelry artist and all of a sudden I've found a love for painting. (Thanks to Jodi for starting this detour!) I am now working on creating enough paintings to jury into a gallery, but still need to make jewelry! Oh! When will someone invent a longer day?!?


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